Monday, January 7, 2013

Get off the phone!

As you all know if you read my previous post on my 2013 goals, three of my goals this year are to:

1) Spend more time with loves ones
2) Become a better wife
3) Get off the phone!

The problem with #3 is not the phone itself. It's a great tool to keep in touch, send a quick message, check my email, organize my calendar, make lists (my "Notes" are FULL of lists), play games, check Facebook, etc. The problem is me.

Because I was older when I got my first cell phone, I've always had a big issue with the way people use their phones these days (I know, I sound like a grumpy old man haha). I find it so rude when people are in a group eating out or playing games and half of the group is on their phone. I just want to say "if you don't want to be here entirely and participate in our social interaction, please leave". My biggest pet peeve is people who are in the same room texting. We all know you're doing it when you exchange glances and laugh at the same time. And that is even more rude than the other type, because it's basically like whispering to each other in front of everyone else.

So I've never wanted to become one of these people who cannot get off of their phones. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem if we're having a conversation and someone says "hold on, let me look it up on my phone" or "let's take a picture of this and put it on Facebook in real time", but there are limits. And I think I sometimes push these limits.

My goal to get off the phone will help me with #1 and #2 above, too! Our wonderful youth pastor at Word of Life Ministries, Jimmy Barrs, was speaking about setting goals that are very specific. In this case, I decided that other than for phone calls and text messages, I would put down my phone at 7pm each night. This will allow more time spent with Isaac (even if we are just watching TV together) and less time spent on playing the little games I am so addicted to!

It's not a huge change, but it's a start!



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 goals

As I mentioned in my last post, my goals from last year were many and I managed to hit about 8-9 of those 15. I'm disappointed that I didn't hit all 15, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on them! 

My goals for this year are:

Be smarter financially –So we can get Isaac his dream truck and possibly move into our dream home! I will start by sitting down with the hubs and setting a budget and talking about how we will stick to it! I will also try to come up with a way or two to have extra income (I have a couple of ideas but I need to work out a few things first).

Be healthier – I want to go back to being more active at least 3 times a week. I also want to eat more fresh and organic foods rather than lots of processed, prepackaged foods.

Learn to sew –This will also save me money because I can either repurpose old clothes I would otherwise get rid of and I can fix clothes to get some extra wears out of them!

Learn to knit –This will be fun, get me off of my electronics, and I can make some fun gifts for friends and family!

Spend more time with loved ones –Have more get-togethers at our house!

Be a better wife –Unfortunately, I think I have gotten so used to having the sweetest husband on earth that I take it for granted at times. I want to deliberately be more prayerful, respectful, encouraging, uplifting, and positive for Isaac. At the end of a long, hard, and emotional day doing what he does as an EMT, I want him to come home to a safe, relaxing, and fun home. The last thing I want to do is to make our home a stressful place to come to! 

Do more for others –Sometimes I feel like I get desensitized to others going through hardships thanks to the horrible things I see daily on the news. I need to not only be more compassionate toward others who have less than I do and who are going through tough times. And I think that volunteering more will help me achieve that.

Get off the phone – Ugh, I can’t believe I have become one of those people. Hi, my name is Judith, and I am addicted to my iPhone. Poor hubby asks me all the time to get off of it so we can just hang out! So I am making a commitment to not be on it so much when in the presence of others. Words with Friends, Matching with Friends, and Gems with Friends will have to wait.

Build a stronger relationship with God - My time in the Word, prayer life, and study time can always get better. So I want to improve on all of those things! He has blessed us SO much even in our struggles and I want to know him more each day! And as a youth leader, the best way to lead is by example! If the leaders are all on fire for God, I can't wait to see what will happen to the youth group and the church!

There you have it! What goals will YOU set for 2013? Feel free to share them in the comments below!


2012 in review

Happy New Year dear friends!

I am officially the world’s worst blogger… cause, well, I don’t blog! I’ll try again this year and we will see how it goes. As we get into this new year, it almost feels like the slate has been wiped clean and you can have a fresh start. However, I wanted to look back at my goals from last year and see how I did on them. I did set a lot, so I’m hoping I at least made it halfway through them!

Cook more – I did better at this in the first couple of months of 2012, but overall, I think we were able to stay in more than we used to. So I’d say this was accomplished, but we still have work to do!

Learn to knit  - I didn’t even buy knitting needles. This one is a fail, but I’m adding it to my list for this year.

Pray more – I’d say I did this, but I still feel like it’s never enough. I’ve been better at asking others what they need prayer on and thinking of praying for those people throughout the day. But the area I need improvement in is praying for others without a specific thing to pray for. I need to pray for Isaac and my family more, as well as for our religious and political leaders, etc.

Organize! Goal was to have at least 5 more organization systems set up around the house this year. I did it! I got my jewelry organized (well, still need to do the necklaces but the earrings are all in their place as we speak), got a little organizer for my scarves, one for my belts, got a bunch of baskets and bins for cables, got my makeup drawer organized, and redid our entire guest bedroom with TONS of organization in there. I love it, no more random books and boxes everywhere in the spare bedroom!

Give better gifts – I did okay here, but still gave too many gift cards…

Learn about photography – I totally did this! Took a couple of classes and learned a LOT. Still much more to learn. My parents got me Photoshop Elements for Christmas so as soon as I get my laptop cleaned up, that’s going on there and I’m taking that class!

Have a cleaner house – Overall, I managed to accomplish this one. It was tough after we got Halli and she had her puppies, but I mopped at least once a day and it helped a lot. I still manage to keep things picked up and clean most of the time… now if only my floors would clean themselves. Ugh.

Be more adventurous and spontaneous – Not sure I’d say I accomplished this, since I can’t think of one really crazy thing I did without planning it this year. Darn.

Read more – Goal was to read 4 books. Failed miserably. Started 2-3, but didn’t finish a single one. :o/

Be healthier – I halfway got there. I got in pretty good shape doing Insanity for about 6 months and I was even eating a little healthier, but once we got Halli and we had the surprise of the puppies, every waking minute was dedicated to those squealing little furballs and I stopped working out altogether.

Spend more time with loved ones - I did manage to have quite a few get-togethers at our house (including my sister’s massive bridal shower), but I still want to do it even more!

Save more money – Not good. We took a few hits this year with our rescue having puppies, me losing a big account at work the previous year, and Isaac losing his job, so the car fund did NOT grow as planned and we didn’t make extra payments on the house as we would like to. Oh well, it’s a new year and I’m expecting better things!

Go somewhere I’ve never been. – I’m not sure we managed to do this… we went to the usual spots: Charleston, Asheville, and NYC. But I guess that within NYC we saw a lot of things we hadn’t seen before, does that count? I also went to Toronto for work and saw some parts of it I hadn’t seen before!

Give more! I did this! I gave a good bit of my time, energy, and money this year to great causes. As a church, we helped an orphanage get beds for every single child there (hundreds I think). I also volunteered a lot of time for the Operation Christmas Child project at our church. And as I do each year, I volunteered at Dunbar Child Development Center for their Christmas carnival.

Learn to sew. – Didn’t happen. We were super delayed in buying a desk and getting it set up in our guest bedroom so by the time that was done, it was October. And then I got busy. So I went to the store to get some thread yesterday and plan on starting this one in the next week or two!

So out of 15, I did about 7-9 (or at least got started on them). I’d say that isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say I was kind of disappointed in a few of those. So here we go. Time to set new ones for 2013! That will be in my next post :)

Love you all,
