Monday, January 7, 2013

Get off the phone!

As you all know if you read my previous post on my 2013 goals, three of my goals this year are to:

1) Spend more time with loves ones
2) Become a better wife
3) Get off the phone!

The problem with #3 is not the phone itself. It's a great tool to keep in touch, send a quick message, check my email, organize my calendar, make lists (my "Notes" are FULL of lists), play games, check Facebook, etc. The problem is me.

Because I was older when I got my first cell phone, I've always had a big issue with the way people use their phones these days (I know, I sound like a grumpy old man haha). I find it so rude when people are in a group eating out or playing games and half of the group is on their phone. I just want to say "if you don't want to be here entirely and participate in our social interaction, please leave". My biggest pet peeve is people who are in the same room texting. We all know you're doing it when you exchange glances and laugh at the same time. And that is even more rude than the other type, because it's basically like whispering to each other in front of everyone else.

So I've never wanted to become one of these people who cannot get off of their phones. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem if we're having a conversation and someone says "hold on, let me look it up on my phone" or "let's take a picture of this and put it on Facebook in real time", but there are limits. And I think I sometimes push these limits.

My goal to get off the phone will help me with #1 and #2 above, too! Our wonderful youth pastor at Word of Life Ministries, Jimmy Barrs, was speaking about setting goals that are very specific. In this case, I decided that other than for phone calls and text messages, I would put down my phone at 7pm each night. This will allow more time spent with Isaac (even if we are just watching TV together) and less time spent on playing the little games I am so addicted to!

It's not a huge change, but it's a start!



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