Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 goals

As I mentioned in my last post, my goals from last year were many and I managed to hit about 8-9 of those 15. I'm disappointed that I didn't hit all 15, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on them! 

My goals for this year are:

Be smarter financially –So we can get Isaac his dream truck and possibly move into our dream home! I will start by sitting down with the hubs and setting a budget and talking about how we will stick to it! I will also try to come up with a way or two to have extra income (I have a couple of ideas but I need to work out a few things first).

Be healthier – I want to go back to being more active at least 3 times a week. I also want to eat more fresh and organic foods rather than lots of processed, prepackaged foods.

Learn to sew –This will also save me money because I can either repurpose old clothes I would otherwise get rid of and I can fix clothes to get some extra wears out of them!

Learn to knit –This will be fun, get me off of my electronics, and I can make some fun gifts for friends and family!

Spend more time with loved ones –Have more get-togethers at our house!

Be a better wife –Unfortunately, I think I have gotten so used to having the sweetest husband on earth that I take it for granted at times. I want to deliberately be more prayerful, respectful, encouraging, uplifting, and positive for Isaac. At the end of a long, hard, and emotional day doing what he does as an EMT, I want him to come home to a safe, relaxing, and fun home. The last thing I want to do is to make our home a stressful place to come to! 

Do more for others –Sometimes I feel like I get desensitized to others going through hardships thanks to the horrible things I see daily on the news. I need to not only be more compassionate toward others who have less than I do and who are going through tough times. And I think that volunteering more will help me achieve that.

Get off the phone – Ugh, I can’t believe I have become one of those people. Hi, my name is Judith, and I am addicted to my iPhone. Poor hubby asks me all the time to get off of it so we can just hang out! So I am making a commitment to not be on it so much when in the presence of others. Words with Friends, Matching with Friends, and Gems with Friends will have to wait.

Build a stronger relationship with God - My time in the Word, prayer life, and study time can always get better. So I want to improve on all of those things! He has blessed us SO much even in our struggles and I want to know him more each day! And as a youth leader, the best way to lead is by example! If the leaders are all on fire for God, I can't wait to see what will happen to the youth group and the church!

There you have it! What goals will YOU set for 2013? Feel free to share them in the comments below!



  1. J'aime bien te lire. On a plusieurs buts en commun pour 2013. Je penses que je vais les mettre par écrit moi aussi.

  2. Merci ma belle Marie-Mi :o) Les ecrire et les partager m'aide non seulement a me souvenir quels sont me buts mais en meme temps ca m'aide a les poursuivre car je ne sais jamais si quelqu'un qui a lit ceci va me demander comment ca va avec cela!
